Thursday, September 4, 2008

Voice lessons.........

Okay so today I decided that I was going to be really brave and take a voice lesson. I love so much to sit and listen to Nathan & my children sing & I dream of being able to do the same. I have decided that I am no longer going to sit and wait until the resurrection to sing & so I have started taking lessons. Now who knows if I will ever compare with them but I want to just at least get to where I feel comfortable singing in church. I LOVE to sing & dream of singing with Nate one day. It may be years away but at least it's a goal I am finally working towards now. I was so affraid & yet I had the best time ever. I cannot wait for the next one. Now if I would dare to start running then I would have two goals down & a thousand to go. :)!!!!!!!!!!!


McCall B. said...

I am so proud of you! That is also something that I would love to do but am too scared. I know they would say- "sorry, there is no hope for you." Keep me posted on how they go! I miss you guys.

5ofus said...

So glad to know you are still alive. There is hope for you because there is hope for me. It was scarier than any rollercoaster I have ever riden but I loved the thrill! Love ya tons!