Friday, September 12, 2008

Football so far.........

Taylor the #1 HOG (lineman) on his team & the fastest!
McKay plays quarter back & running back & loves it because my dad was a quarter back But says it's too much pressure & he feels like everything is on him (he's a perfectionist)
Me still trying to figure out how the heck this game works. Is it 4 downs & how do you get them & why do they punt it when they are so far away & why don't they dive to tackel and why ..................?

So far FOOTBALL Braves Football has been a slow start. I am praying tomorrow that the boys on Taylors team wil step up to the plate or I mean line & become men for an hour. Last week they game up after the first touch down scored against them & then some of our key players all the sudden had "major injuries" & couldn't play & once the game was over they were heald. One of the parents was hugging them & the coach said "there's no hugging stop babying them" It was funny. They are in the national league so there is a lot expected of them & it will be interesting to see what tomorrow morning brings. Poor Taylor never once came out of the game but he never gave up & they had to run all of half time because they were playing so sloppy & they did play better in the 2nd half but still it was a major butt spanking.

McKay's team is doing a lot better & he is on a team of all 8 year old first year players. They have lost both their games but only by 1 touchdown not 7. His first game they played against a Bingham team & the coach got in the refs face & got a flag well that really got him going so he got another flag & then a third & finally a 4th. They brought a Sheriff over to stay by him & keep him under control. We were all busting up because it was the beginning of the first quarter & they were 3 yards from the touch down line & the ball was turned over to us. It was so funny to watch a 45 year old man watch through a temper tantrum & watch 8 year olds trying to figure out what his problem is because they are there to have fun.

So that is our football update we will keep you posted.

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