Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Now staring......Taylor Smith

For those of you who know our family well you know that Taylor is a very well rounded young man. He acts, sings, plays football, basketball, gets straight A's, has his future planned out...... okay that is a little over the top on bragging.
In reality he is just like any other 9 (almost 10) year old. He has just had some lucky opportunities. One of those opportunities was a couple of years ago he played the lead in a short film called Butterflies. It was a wonderful experience, one we all enjoyed as a family as Eliza & McKay both got to be extra's in the film & Nate & I were fascinated on set with all that went into making a movie. It has also opened many doors to new friendships & other opportunities for our children.
Butterflies has spent the last year traveling the United States & even Australia at Film Festivals & winning many awards. The director and writter, Andy Bailey, did a wonderful job & no matter how many times we watch it we still laugh & love it. So we were thrilled when he contacted us to let us know that it is now available to purchase on DVD. It is a great children's film actually it is fun for the whole family & not because Taylor is the lead but because the story is so fun. You actually may not even recognize Taylor because he has grown up so much. But if you are looking for a good film for your family pick your copy up today at:
No we aren't making any money off of you getting it. You can just say, I saw that directors first project. The behind the scences are a lot of fun too.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To Ask or Not to Ask....That is the Question

So I have for the last few years had wondered why the Church has not made an open statement about Mental Illness & the reality that it truly is & how it is NOT cured by reading your scriptures & going to church. While at Nate's grandfather's funeral we were seated next to Sister Beck & her counselors. I thought wow Here I am sitting next to the General Relief Society President of the Church & I have this burning question when will I ever be in this situation again? but this isn't really the place to ask. When the funeral was over & we stood for the Pall Bearers to take their place, Nate walked out with the others & she put her arm around me & said I didn't know your husband was a grandson, you have the most beautiful little family. I thought score she has made conversation so maybe I can get an answer to my burning question. She then asked me which child Nate belonged to & how he has taken care of her down at headquarters. So I went in for the move. I know not the place but like I said when was I ever going to have the chance again to know where they stood? So I asked her & was so thrilled for the revelation that I had been waiting for the last few years. What she said was ever so disappointing. She simply said that they feel that it is like any other illness & that it takes faith & a testimony. I told her I didn't think she understood me. I explained that I wanted to know why they didn't define the reality of it. As we stood there she just wrapped her arms around me & told me that she loved me & that she knew the Lord loved me & that that's all she knew as tears began to role down her checks & then mine as well. I wasn't sure what to think. Surely she had to have something more profound for me than that. I already knew that my Heavenly Father loved me. As I have thought about that conversation the last couple of weeks I have pondered on somethings are not as important as we make them out to be. We can spend so much time worring or wanting something that really isn't there to want or need. Though it was comforthing to have her assureance of love & support what she told me I already knew. I know for myself there is a lot in my life that is stuff that is matter I don't need to foccuss my thoughts & time on or things because they cluter my time & energy. I need to be more simple minded. Pick my issues wisely.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A glimpse of Heaven.......

Never in my life did I think that I myself would meet the Prophet of God but when my children did & he took time with them it was even more over whelming. The pictures I really wanted to take were too sacred to take. When he took McKay under his arm & told he & Taylor of the from mud balls he made when he was about their age. After a good 20 minutes with them talking and laughing I could see why the Savior loves the children. I think this experience will forever be in their hearts as I ask them what story they loved the most they have a hard time picking. Taylor was shocked to know that the Prophet of God played so many pranks as a boy. McKay loved when he sang the fight song for Michigan because that is his favorite school. Eliza loved when he told the boys that they should always have her back as well as each others. Nate of course liked that he was so impressed with how sharp their suits & ties looked (that's Nate's style department). I sat back as a mother & soaked in the beauty of my three precious jewels mingling & joking & being taught by God's mouth piece here on this earth & thought, can I be any more blessed?