Wednesday, May 19, 2010

McKay's life goals......

McKay recently got to "bid" for what he would do with his life. Each kid in his class was given $2,000 to bid on what they wanted their lives to become. We of course were anxious to hear that maybe he wanted to be the President or a CEO........Here he is with his buddy Hayden durinng their 4th grade play. McKay was fabulous so maybe he wants to now be an actor.......

Here he is wearing his favorite hat that his Uncle Jake gave him, it's for a football team so maybe a football palyer....

Here he is looking his finest in his suit & tie, so maybe sell men's clothing....

Here he is being a good nieghbor so maybe a service man.....

Here he is flashing his beautiful smile & big eyes, so maybe a model......
These are all great jobs but what McKay really wants......
1. To marry someone good looking
2. To travel the world
Yep those are his life goals & that is what he bid for. I'm gonna be honest & say I'm failing as a mother!
McKay anything is possible as long as you set your mind to it & I know with your looks you will go far!
Love you McKay (Johnny)


raybee... said...

One of the sweetest boys ever in the wide world. Great pics. Love you, Special Boy!!

Young People in Love said...

So I just stumbled across your blog randomly and had to tell you how adorable your family is! DARLING.
