Saturday, January 24, 2009

Reality TV. Do you love it like I do?

So I got a call fom our kids agency about an audition for a reality TV series & I though what the heck. Well here's looking at your nect reality TV star. It's called Power Plaers & is a take of The Apprentince & Oprah's Big Give. We started filming today. It is so unreal that I wonder how it can be reality.
Can you tell I always wanted to live the lime light?

With my childhood friend who is famous. He is one of the top animators for Pixar.

I always wanted to be a famous singer but I'm best at listening rather than hurting others ears.
After spending the night at Sundance tonight with some of the cast I wonder what is famous? Who decides who is famous? I love to people watch & I had a great time watching people who wanted to be someone. One girl had her 15 minutes of fame when she was so drunk she fell flat on her face on the middle of the pavement on Main St & tore up her beautiful dress, broke her shoe, & gave us all a nice little show we would rather have not seen. To me I look at people who have high values & morals & accompish great things & I think they are famous. So what do you think is famous?


Tiffany said...

Congrats, that sounds very exciting for you. You'll have to keep us informed--at least of the non top secret stuff.
I haven't thought much about "what" is famous, probably because I have never wanted to be famous. I don't have the personality for it. I am too conscious of making a fool of myself in front of everyone.

Jo said...

Your kids have an agency? You are what I would call famous as you have 'agents' and cameras apparently following you around. :)