Wednesday, May 20, 2009

School is almost out shout horray!!!!!!!!!!

Taylor & McKay playing trampoline baseball at Grandma Coco's at the "Holy Land"
I am one that hates having kids in school. Not because of not wanting to be seperated from them or never liking their teachers that is completely the opposite of why. It is because I love to let my kids sleep in & for us to do things together as a family on our time frame & because I love the summer fun in the sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah I am so excited for Cherry Hill, 8 hour days of watching my boys sweat to death in full gear at the Utah Ute's Football camp, McKay run track from next week thru the end of July 3 days a week, Eliza, Taylor, & McKay go to Basketball camps, & the best thing is our Cherry Hill passes were a fabulous gift. All the camps & events the kids have had to pay at least half some full & work hard at it. So not only are they working hard but they will play hard too & that is what I call a fun summer.

But what I dread most is in what will seem like just a few hours I will be sitting at this computer writting about what a great summer we had. Why does all that work & play go by so fast? We will love it while we can. Nate & I find such joy in watching our children grow & develop into the people they want to be & we love to support them at exactly that. So this summer will be a great one for the 2 of us.

Bring on the summer fun in the sun!


Tiffany said...

I'm glad you are looking forward to the summer. I am dreading it a bit; not quite sure what I am going to do with four kids home all day.

LL said...

JEALOUS!!!!! my kids still have a month! LOVE the pics of your kids, they've grown up so much, such a good lookin group!!!

RaShawn said...

I love the summer and no school. It's nice not to have a schedual.